Hi there! I'm Chronos.

I go by many other names,

but Chronos is my toon's name!

Most people call me Chrome in-game, though, as my name still isn't whitelisted.

I am 20 years old, and have been playing Toontown since 2008!
although.. back then, i was really small! I barely knew how to play, hah!

I got back into Toontown in 2014, when my friend over on deviantArt asked if I had played before--

This was when there were playlines, which meant you'd have to wait your turn to play!

I played a bit back then, but then went sad and gave up...until 2016, when I created Chronos, and picked it back up.

Now I play almost daily, and have been consistently for the past nearly 7 years!

Regardless, my goal for this site is to share information about the game, and give some fun pointers and tips on how to progress!

This site will contain information up to Bossbot HQ, as I have yet to finish the Sellbot HQ expansion.

Here's some of the toons you may see me as, while playing!

I have quite a few toons, but these are my mains!

feel free to talk to me ingame, if you see me! i love to chat :D




Mini Chronos

Cookies 'n Cream


Mr. Howlywolf

you made it to the end, congratulations!

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